Announcing Esscafest 2023!
Music - Food - Fun! Come celebrate our amazing community at the annual neighborhood festival! This year, at East Silver Spring Elementary...

We regret to inform you that ESSCAFest has been reschedueled (date TBD). Due to a perfect storm of rising Covid cases, unseasonable heat,...

2022 Board Election Procedures
VOTING IS OPEN! It’s time to vote for the ESSCA Board! We have a great group of candidates ready to serve the community and looking for...

Sligo Ave Safety meeting March 21
ESSCA March Meeting: Monday, March 21, 7-8pm via Zoom. Registration is required! At our next ESSCA meeting on March 21, we’re going to...

Calling all leaders! Your community needs you! The East Silver Spring Civic Association is looking for officers for the new year. There...

ESSCA Week Of Service 2022
As we look forward to celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this month, ESSCA invites you to please reflect on his call to...

ESSCA Voting Procedures 2021
VOTING IS OPEN! OFFICAL online BALLOT here! The pandemic has posed many challenges to our community, not the least of which is our...

Two Amendments to the ESSCA Constitution and By-Laws up for vote in September
The ESSCA Constitution/By-Laws is a living document and needs periodic updates to stay in step with the community. At our May 2021...

Become a Committee Chair
We need your help! We have three committee chair roles open that need filling: Welcoming, Planning and Environment. These are critical...