ESSCA Voting Procedures 2021
The pandemic has posed many challenges to our community, not the least of which is our ability to conduct ESSCA business. We’ve had to adapt over the last year, holding our regular meetings via Zoom and relying on digital communications on our Facebook group and the listserv for neighborhood news and discussion.
Our annual election and voting procedures, which have traditionally been at in-person meetings, also have to adapt to the times. The ESSCA Board has come up with a contactless voting procedure that we think balances the need to hear the voice of the community with COVID safety.
Eligibility to vote:
All ESSCA members in good standing are eligible to vote. To be a member in good standing, you have to be 18 years or older, be a resident living within the ESSCA neighborhood boundary, and have paid your dues for the 2021-2022 year (currently $10 per household).
Note: because ESSCA membership renewals are not due until October 1, anyone who was a member in good standing as of May 2021 can participate in this vote.
Please visit our Join Us page for dues payment methods (paypal, check).
The ballot:
We will be voting on:
Question 1: Allowing any member to hold office regardless of length of membership
Question 2: Making membership in ESSCA Free!
Means of voting:
Physical contactless voting: Members may pick up a ballot at our contactless voting location at 743 Silver Spring Ave. Members will fill out the ballot, provide their name and address or phone number, and deposit in a drop-off box at the voting location.
Electronic voting: Members can use our online voting form to cast their ballot. You will be providing your name, and email or phone number. Make sure the email address that you use to submit your ballot is the same as that on file on the ESSCA membership list. To check what address you have associated with your membership, please send an email to our Treasurer, Steve Knight, at
Voting tabulator:
Hannah McCann has been appointed by the ESSCA Board to be the voting tabulator. Hannah will be the owner of the election email address, and will tabulate both electronic and paper ballots.
By Sept 19: Neighbors become members or renew their membership to be eligible to vote. Note that voters must be members one day prior to the election so we can prepare the voter roll.
Sept 13-20: Voting will be open during this time. Voting details announced via the ESSCA listserv, Facebook group, and email newsletter. Ballots must be received by 7pm EDT on Sept 20 (our regular meeting date/time).
Sept 20, 7pm: ballots received by 7pm will be counted by the voting tabulator and the results announced at our Zoom meeting.
If you have any questions about the election process, please contact the voting tabulator at